Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time to get going ... AGAIN.

Time to start getting going again. I need to start getting crafty and list some things on Etsy. Now to figure out what that should be... I have lots of ideas, but now to make them a reality. I don't want to spread myself too thin and start making too many things at once. I will likely do some of the snack/sandwich bags and wraps. Now to figure out what else! I could do pillowcase dresses, minivan seat covers like the one's I did for my kids, tote/diaper bags... and about 100 other things!

Better get to thinking and get a few things sewn up to get them listed ASAP!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

On the docket for this week/weekend...

Well, with the new minivan coming on Monday, I have decided we need to have a few "trash bags" in the car... one for each of the shorties and one for the front seat. My plan is to design them tonight, check the fabric stash (which is quite extensive!) in the morning and get to work on making them so that they are all set before we go anywhere in the new car! That is my 'plan' anyway - here's to hoping that I can actually get it done!

A few other things are on my mind too - I'm going to see about getting some more snack bags and sandwich wraps done and list them up on Etsy and then I'll see where I go from there. The kids would each like a new lunch/snack box for school so I plan to make those too. I have LOTS of other fun things I would like to work on too - clothes for Miss Mimi's doll, some pants or shorts for Mr. Man, new sun hats for them (I'm convincing myself that summer is coming eventually), and I know there are many other things I'd love to work on.