Sunday, August 1, 2010

I got a new toy today - the camera that took this picture! We were needing something small and simple to take with us on vacation as not to have to take the Nikon and lug it around Storyland next week! It's an adorable little Cannon Powershot A495 in Red. So far so good, it seems quite simple to use and the quality of the pictures seems great - we never blow anything up to billboard size - so I think this is more than adequate to catch our family trip memories and times when we just want something quick and easy to use on the go! Nevermind that this is a very scary picture of our scary, messy kitchen table! It looks much better now, I promise! Perhaps I will try a follow up photo to prove it!
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

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Well - I haven't been very good about keeping this updated...

But I'll try to work on that - I have been doing alot of reading of other blogs and I'm hoping that will motivate me to keep mine updated too!
While I have surely fallen off the blog wagon, I have been quite crafty in the last week or so!!
I have managed to design and make the kids their own "mail bag" for delivering mail to each other and the hubby and I via the new mailbox that Bubba received for his birthday!
I made a "car mat" for Bubba to drive and store some of his match box cars in when he decides to take them somewhere.
I made the kids each an outfit to wear to the Memorial Day Parade we are attending on Monday afternoon.
I also tried a few ice cream cone covers (in an attempt to keep 'some' of the ice cream from getting all over their hands!) that will hopefully get quite a bit of use this summer!
I have about a million other crafty ideas that I am working on scheduling now - trying to keep up with the house at the same time - I WILL NOT allow myself to live in a messy house just so I can keep crafting! My new goal is B-A-L-A-N-C-E!

With the number of school days left dwindling ... I am also thinking of things to keep us busy for the summer - lots of fun ideas and short trips on the agenda - and hopefully many more to come!

A few shots of the craftiness ...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The morning so far...

Thus far I have spent the morning trying to find ways to save some money around here. The kids and I are working on coming up with a menu calendar, eliminating many of the prepared items we have purchased in the past and coming up with some new ideas for meals (both lunch and dinner if anyone has suggestions!) We'll be planning our grocery trips better (not so many impulse buys from the little people) and I might try doing the Peapod order again for some things that are on sale each week.
I also need to work on planning Bubba's birthday party - and find out who is planning to attend Mimi's Dance Recital next month - and the list goes on... now to work on cleaning up the kitchen so I can hopefully do some crafting this afternoon - we'll see how that goes!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Pettiskirt Creation!

Just playing with images from Picasa to move over here if/when I get some fun stuff made!
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Here goes nothing!

Not sure if I'll get a grasp of this blogging thing - but since so many of my friends are doing it, I thought I'd at least give it a try. I'm hoping to get better at it and share my craftyness with the world (or maybe just my little corner of it?)!

I'm going to attempt to update about my sewing projects and especially about my attempts at organizing and setting up a great sewing area!! This will involve making lots of changes around the house and getting rid of LOTS of CLUTTER! My hope is that the summer brings a plethora of changes around here and I can become the crafting DIVA I always wanted to be!!

If all goes according to plan (and we all know how that tends to work out) I'll be able to spend time creating some crafty tutorials to share and I might even be able to get my Etsy shop up and running again! It's difficult to keep a shop running when you have no time to create!

Wish me luck!